Process Control using the RI-Value

In many production processes concentration is the most important control value. Large industrial technologies therefore traditionally use OnLine or InLine concentration control methods to monitor Brix values.

When operating smaller production sites in many cases the use of concentration measurements for cost reasons very often are not performed. Nevertheless these controls would be important to increase efficiency. With the new DCM-20 an instrument line becomes available with improved cost/value relation, now making process monitoring more interesting than ever.

Process refractometers are sensors that directly measure the refractive index of pipe line streams or production vessel contents. Because of the immediate response to process changes they are ideal for production control. Their mode of operation through just the surface between instrument and media is an important advantage.

Bei großem Dichteunterschied zwischen Prisma und Flüssigkeit wird ein großer Anteil des Lichts reflektiert, bei kleinem ein geringer Anteil. Über die gemessene Lichtmenge errechnet der Sensor den Brechungsindex, mit der gleichzeitig ermittelten Prozesstemperatur kann die Konzentration ermittelt werden.

Die Datenausgabe erfolgt über die 4…20mA Schnittstelle oder digital (Modbus TCP) in Datensätzen, die den Brechungsindex, die Temperatur und die in Brix angegebene Konzentration enthalten.
